
Molecular Cooking Workshop

Last Thursday 13th March we started the Cooking Workshops in Barahonda within the program ‘Marzo Gastronómico Barahonda’. These workshops are hold in the restaurant, located in our winery, by our chef, Cristian Palacio. The workshops consist of a theoretical lesson of half an hour, a training lesson of one hour and a half and a last talk drinking wine where we share feelings and doubts. Here you can see some of the photos of the workshop and a video.  


Dessert Making Workshop

The third and the last session of the cooking workshops within the program ‘Marzo Gastronómino Barahonda’. Last Thursday 27th March we finished with the Dessert Making Workshop, which was the workshop with more attendance. Cocoa powder, sugar, mint ice-creams, Fisherman’s caramel, coulant, vanilla or  yogurt sticks are products of our recipe book.    


Taller de Foie

La segunda jornada de Marzo Gastronómico Barahonda la dedicamos al foie como producto fetiche en cocina. En este taller aprendimos a diferenciar las diferentes clases de foie que existen y también las distintas maneras de trabajarlo. Aprendimos a marcar foie en la sartén, a caramelizar o emplatar entre otras cosas. En este taller tuvimos la presencia del Alcalde de Yecla, Marcos Ortuño y esposa dando muestras de soltura en la cocina.  

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